E3 data request
Advertorial - Print and Web
- 1. cover picture - WebLandscape format, 1000x450 px, 300dpi, JPG.
- 2. advertorial textmax. 4700 characters.
- 3. advertorial linkURL link
- 4. images in the advertorialImages in high resolution. Image description
- 5th authorPicture, name, description author/company (max. 200 characters)
- 6. advertising banner1200x250px, 300dpi, JPG + URL link.
- 7. social media post (data for 3 postings)Posting date, LinkedIn user name, posting text (max. 500 characters), URL link, post image (landscape format 1200x627 px, JPG)
Community Event
- 1. logo event - print30x30mm, JPG or PDF, CMYK.
- 2. cover picture event - webLandscape format, 1920x1080px, JPG, RGB.
- 3rd event - InformationTitle, start date, end date, address, ticket price, URL link
- 4. description - Printmax. 400 characters
- 5. description - Webmax. 1000 characters
- 6. type of eventSelection from E3 list
- 7. organizer - informationName, address, e-mail
E3 partner entry
- 1. company logo.ai or eps. Format
- 2. company dataName, address, telephone, e-mail, URL
- 3. company description printmax. 500 characters
- 4. brief introduction Webmax. 150 characters
- 5. company description Webmax. 1000 characters
- 6. branchesSelection from E3 list
- 7. productsSelection from E3 list
- 8. servicesSelection from E3 list
- 9. optional: PDF downloadPDF, PDF title, PDF description
- 10. optional: videosYoutube link, video description
- 11. optional: linksURL Link, Description
- 12. optional: author assignment or creationName and description
- 1. cover picture - WebLandscape format, 2500x1000 px, JPG, 300dpi.
- 2. editorial textmax. 4700 characters.
- 3. webinar linkURL link
- 4th speakerName, job title, picture (highest resolution)
- 5th authorPicture, name, description author/company (max. 200 characters)
- 6. fullsize banner homepage800x100 px, JPG, 300dpi + URL link
- 6. newsletter banner800x100 px, JPG, 300dpi + URL link
- 7. social media post (3x)Posting date, LinkedIn user name, posting text (max. 500 characters), URL link, post image (landscape format 1200x627 px, JPG)