Educational work for bots

Thus, it has been alleged that much of Hillary Clinton's Posts in social Media would be computer generated.
On the other hand, immediately after the TV confrontations, a striking number of similarly worded Twitter-cancelled news reports that saw Donald Trump as the winner of the televised debates.
The fact that pollsters are using social Media as a research object for their Analyses of public sentiment fueled spin doctors to use bots to spin published opinion in their favor.
How large-scale this happened is also shown by a planned investigation of the Weekly newspaper The time.
It launched an online survey of voting preferences outside the U.S. and had to abandon the effort after in Austria immediately after the poll was set up, 1000 votes were already cast for Trump.
The poll, which was relaunched with stronger filters, found that just under a third of the votes were cast by bots.
To what extent the election results are really influenced by computer-generated Posts in social Media was influenced, remains to be seen. Facebook-founder Mark Zuckerberg was surprised by the election result.
However, he denied that false reports on Facebook the decisive votes, and thus also belittled the effectiveness of his own platform.
So what does this trend mean for a print medium like the E-3 Magazine? Are computer-generated tweets a new variety of the Digitizationwhich will also destroy jobs in the media industry?
There is another way to look at it. Bots are very well suited to stimulate traffic with simple content and to generate meaning and attention.
You could also go one step further and fudge the web statistics and automate visits and page impressions at the same time. How best to optimize your own website for the strict requirements of the circulation control IVW can be quickly determined using the Google-Research.
Ultimately, however, one moves in one's own bubble and in the end the disseminated information should still (currently) reach people.
Computer-generated content is little more than a new form of advertising, and as with other forms of Advertising in the past, recipients learn very quickly how to classify them.
As a print medium in the traditional sense, we counter this trend with educational and informational work.
In every issue of the E-3 Magazine We want to meet our readers where they are looking for orientation and solutions to their complex challenges - with flesh-and-blood authors without cryptic pseudonyms. Simplification is also necessary here.
For us, it means providing answers in plain language to complex problems where marketing promises fall short.