Innovative Switzerland

According to a study, around 80% of Swiss companies see the digitalization of the economy as an opportunity for their own business. The average figure for other nations is around 64 percent.
On the very Monday of CeBIT, March 14, the CeBIT Switzerland Summit will focus on the most important technology trends and kick off the presentation of Switzerland as a high-tech nation.
Leading government representatives as well as speakers from innovative companies and research institutions are expected at the CeBIT Global Conferences. From a political perspective, Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, President of the Swiss Confederation, and Prof. Johanna Wanka, Federal Minister of Education and Research, will open the Switzerland Summit with keynote speeches on the topic of "Digital Transformation".
This is because the political framework conditions have a significant influence on the digitization strategies of the business location - one example among many is broadband expansion. Switzerland is also far ahead when it comes to broadband expansion - even in rural regions, coverage is already almost 90%.
Institutions such as Cern and ETH Zurich make Switzerland one of the world's leading science locations. In addition to Prof. Lino Guzzella, President of ETH Zurich, computer science legend Prof. Niklaus Wirth is also expected to speak. Among other things, Wirth developed the Pascal programming language.
"The CeBIT Switzerland Summit discusses the most important fields of action in the digital transformation from the perspective of Switzerland as a driver of innovation - with a top-class lecture program"
says Oliver Frese, Member of the Board of Management of Deutsche Messe.