Are students learning the right things?
Today, the focus of computer science studies includes software development, programming languages and databases. IT professionals, on the other hand, want the next generation to have skills in areas such as IT security and IT architectures. These are the results of two surveys conducted by the IT consulting firm MSG among 500 computer science students and 700 IT professionals.
IT professionals were also asked which skills they believe will be relevant in five years' time: According to the panel, IT architectures and IT security in particular will be even more important than they are today.
The digital transformation is changing requirements. According to the survey, IT professionals declared project management (43 percent), IT security (36 percent) and IT architectures (35 percent) to be the topics that are particularly important in companies today. Students, on the other hand, reported that topics such as software development (62 percent), programming languages (55 percent), databases (47 percent) and project management (45 percent) are given very high importance in their studies.