Migration Approach

Technology and business administration
In the meta-study, the company focused on the motivation, timing and approach of SAP user companies. "For a successful transformation to S/4, companies should analyze exactly what requirements they have for the new SAP solution. In our meta-study, we have summarized all the important studies on this topic and compared them with our experience from over 400 completed projects. In this way, we make the big picture transparent and help SAP users to make a better decision and identify current opportunities and trends," says Gregor Stöckler, COO of SNP.
According to the recent study by Research Services by Foundry, 48 percent of companies are moving to S/4 for both technology and business reasons, which is understood as a strategic foundation for further innovation and technology leaps.
The IT consulting firm Valantic also analyzed the motivation for the change in its S/4 Study 2022. For 81 percent of the companies, the modernization of existing SAP landscapes and IT infrastructure in the course of advancing digitization and growing system complexity is of overriding importance. At 74 percent, the announced end of maintenance and support for ERP/ECC 6.0 by 2027 is another main driver for the introduction of S/4. This tenor is also reflected in the survey results of the market research company Lünendonk and the US magazine SAPinsider. Added value is seen in the acceleration of existing processes and business workflows - for example, by improving performance, efficiency and user-friendliness. Another reason is the quest for automation.