Problem solver layer model

If you look at the latest quarterly sales figures for the Unix-server market, you may already be struck by a hello effect.
Indeed, the decline is continuing, to put it nicely. In contrast, the x86-Server Sales.
This picture fits the factual. Particularly against the background that more and more ITUser from Unix turn away and switch in the direction of Linux. Of course, this also applies to the SAP-Community.
One aspect drives the User however, in the process: As is well known, in the case of a Unix–Linux–Migration and a one-to-one transfer of the Unix–SAP-architecture, the database licensing costs explode due to the high number of Intel cores.
Especially if the database layer is transferred unseparated. High availability aspects also play a not insignificant role here as a side effect in the respective layers.
Clever solution
So, what can be done to help this Costs to cheat?
One approach to optimization is to use the current SAP-architecture design and to derive a separation of the application layers from it.
This means that you thus have the possibility to create for the Database to license only computing power that has been Database is really consumed and not core.
Briefly to explain what is meant by a Layer model is understood: Here one divides the SAP-landscape into three layers: the application server layer, the central server layer, and the application server layer.SAP-services layer and the Database-Shift.
The goal is to reduce the number of cores needed for the database layer - to minimize database layer licensing costs. This type of design optimization is interesting for customers who want to Database-direct contracts with core-based Database-licensing have been received.
And: The introduction of a shift model is generally worthwhile from five production lines and 15 Instances/SIDs.
It is also important to note that when introducing a SAP-layer model are certain Parameter to be examined. Especially because among the above five productive lines and less than 15 SAP–Instances such a re-design does not pay off.
The main reason: There will be more OS-Partitions per SAP-ID instance is required. Which means that a higher number of physical Servers becomes necessary.
If the check is positive and a re-design takes place, the physics is then optimized, so to speak, by means of SAP–Virtualization.
The bottom line is that the optimization measure requires less physics, in other words: fewer servers are needed.
SAP-Central Services Layer
In the case of a re-design based on a layer model, single points of failure (against the background of HA-aspects) can be eliminated through enqueue replication and message server clustering.
It makes sense here to refer to the certified variant of the SAP-Cluster-Reference architecture to fall back on. The SAP NetWeaver High Availability Cluster 7.30 Certification (Reference architecture) describes the interaction of the SAP Control Framework with the sap-startsrv.
The key point here is that by means of sapcontrol via the sapstartsrv as well as via SAP_SUSE Cluster Connector the Communication to the cluster Framework is defined.
The cluster component is called by Suse HA Extension. Whereby the HA Extension the Communication to the SAP Instance Resource Agent, which in turn is connected to sapcontrol.
Furthermore, via SAP Instance Resource Agent, SAP LVM with the SAP Control Framework coupled.
As far as the application layer is concerned Scalability and High availability generated by multiple dialog instances.
Falls a SAP-application server, it can simply be generated again and then booted up.
Hana Not a cost driver
As a side note, Suite on Hana will make it possible to add more and more SAP-Modules on Hana to operate.
Due to the compression factor of 1:5 and the Hana-operation in conjunction with the Suse–Intel–Infrastructure is the licensing of the Hana–Database not core-based and therefore does not represent a cost driver.
In order to establish further criteria for the feasibility of the SAP-landscape on the basis of a layer model and to evaluate the High availability according to the NetWeaver High Availability Cluster 7.30 Certification, as well as the associated integration into the SAP LVM is recommended to get acquainted with the study on the topic of Realtech to deal with.