Risk and opportunity
![[shutterstock.com:414248521, Olivier Le Moal]](https://e3magpmp.greatsolution.dev/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/shutterstock_414248521.jpg)

We live in a time full of risks - from geopolitical issues, wars and refugee crises to cyber dangers and climate and environmental risks.
"If you don't want to change anything, you will also lose what you want to preserve."
What the former politician Gustav Heinemann once said applies more than ever to our world in upheaval. That is, the world is in disarray and demands answers to the pressing questions of our epoch.
Clear risk management is important to achieve a forward-looking view of opportunities. With this in mind, RMA is organizing its upcoming Risk Management Congress in Stuttgart on September 19 and 20, 2016.
Under the guiding theme "Successful Opportunity and Risk Management 2016", the 11th edition of the successful conference will once again offer concentrated risk management expertise from experts for experts.
"The Risk Management Congress is one of the most important and renowned specialist conferences on the topics of governance, risk management and compliance in the German-speaking world."
explains Ralf Kimpel, Chairman of the Board of RMA.
And he adds:
"Thanks to the broad range of topics and the networking spirit, RMA's conference is one of the most important dates for the risk management industry's annual professional exchange."
Key topics are risk management & controlling, risk analysis methods, supply chain risk management, risk management auditing and information.