Shortfacts - July/August 2017
BMWi supports Datavard innovation project
The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) has accepted the software and consulting company Datavard into the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM).
In doing so, the BMWi is supporting the expansion of the CanaryCode monitoring solution developed by Datavard and confirming its high level of innovation. The aim is to expand the software with cloud-based innovative functions such as integrated, dynamic real-time alerting for predictive damage prevention for SAP systems.
The Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) is a nationwide funding program of the BMWi that is open to all technologies and industries. It is aimed at SMEs and research institutions that work together with them.
The central prerequisite for funding is a high degree of innovation. The functions, parameters or features of the innovation must significantly surpass existing products, processes or technical services.