Shortfacts - July/August 2017
Field Service Management
MobileX has won TenneT as a new customer for MobileX-Dispatch, the field service management solution for planning the deployment of field service technicians.
TenneT is one of the leading transmission system operators for electricity in Europe with 41 million end consumers in the Netherlands and Germany.
The aim of introducing the solution is to optimize the campaign planning of service assignments, including the helicopter flights of technicians to the German offshore grid connection systems in the North Sea, and to increase transparency and efficiency in the execution of the work.
Previously, the ten dispatchers in Lehrte planned and managed the deployment of the 200 internal and external technicians and production resources using order data from SAP PM in Excel spreadsheets. Service assignments for the twelve German offshore grid connection systems are currently planned in 13 campaigns of two weeks each per year.
This involves around 150 jobs per campaign, of which around 80 percent are standard maintenance and 20 percent are repairs.