So that innovation no longer knows any boundaries

According to analyst firm Gartner, low-code platforms are "application platforms that are used to rapidly develop and deploy custom applications by abstracting, minimizing or replacing the code required for development". In principle, low-code uses prefabricated set pieces instead of step-by-step coding.
This approach is by no means new. As early as 1968, the idea of industrial mass production of reusable software components was already in the air. Under the term MDA (Model Driven Architecture), the idea experienced the next hype in the early 2000s. However, low-code applications were unable to establish themselves at the time, as technology and infrastructure limited their application and implementation. However, with the advances in cloud infrastructure and the maturity of software system environments such as SAP ERP, the framework conditions have now changed.
Low-code platforms can prove to be an effective tool for employees in specialist departments to create applications themselves. They bring software development into the specialist departments and are therefore an important driver of digital transformation. Particularly effective - if, like the Tangro platform, they enable intuitive operation without weeks of training, offer a complete, mature and yet expandable range of reusable modules and are consistently aligned with the business of SAP customers.
In conventional software development, applications are coded using programming languages such as Abap, JavaScript, Java or C++. These highly complex tools are not readily accessible to a layperson. In contrast, low-code has a uniform system and style that anyone can more or less understand. Depending on this, users can create software applications quickly and easily. At the same time, modeling automatically creates comprehensive documentation, as the graphical process model provides an immediately comprehensible insight into the process logic. Additional requirements can be implemented immediately.
Gartner cites the "automation and management of complex business processes" and an "event-driven architecture" as the most important features of a powerful low-code platform. Also the "intuitive development environment" and "AI-supported development techniques".
The Tangro platform meets these requirements in full. Tangro has chosen an innovative, patented, model-driven approach that goes far beyond conventional low-code solutions and is based on many years of practical experience. Low-code has been in use at Tangro for 25 years.
The Tangro platform dispenses with the generation of code and instead relies on the use and combination of granular software modules and processes. Each one performs only one task, which guarantees maximum reuse. At the same time, the platform is so open that new modules can be added at any time, for example to integrate external applications.
With the help of the modeling tool, the building blocks can be put in a meaningful order and perform their tasks in an event-driven manner. All changes in the UI or in the process are immediately visible in the application. This dramatically simplifies the development of business applications - from a simple app to a complete ERP system.