Training against the shortage of skilled workers
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E-3: Mr. Wolf, what prompted you to take this new approach to employee recruitment?
Frank Wolf: As a solution provider with a focus on development, we have had difficulty finding suitable employees for quite some time. Candidates offered to us by recruiters are often only trained to pass certificate exams and cannot be deployed independently in customer projects. Thus we have Training into their own hands.
E-3: I hear some disappointment from that.
Wolf: I see as a caricature a horror scenario in which there are Manager who can manage and organize the world of the future, who design and discuss concepts. But there is a lack of possibility to implement their good ideas technically, because those who can do this have unfortunately died out.
E-3: And how would you like to implement your training initiative?
Wolf: Although we have our own training materials for all relevant topics, as a relatively small Company we can, however, have a traditional Training within the framework of a dual studies could not afford. So the decision was made to take a path similar to a Distance learningwhich can be mastered largely on one's own, produces purposefully qualified employees.
E-3: What are the characteristics of your program?
Wolf: Openness and flexibility are the most important points. Anyone can participate in the program. The Training can be started and also canceled at any time - by both sides. The schedule is also open: some people can only invest weekly hours, while others can commit themselves full-time.
E3: This means that the program can also be used in parallel with a Study be used?
Wolf: Yes, but part-time scenarios are also possible.
E-3: What contractual commitment do you enter into with the participants?
Wolf: None at all. There is no formal training contract, no training allowance, no fees - only a confidentiality agreement must be signed.
E-3: What requirements do applicants have to meet in order to participate in the program?
Wolf: In personal interviews, we look at whether the candidates are suitable and fit into the team. These then require a Windows-PC with DSL Internet access and, of course, the will to continue software development in the SAP-environment. There are no formal prerequisites.
E-3: How does the Training concretely?
Wolf: We set SAP-system, which is accessible via the Internet. The necessary client software and initial training materials are provided via a file server. Exercises can be completed from home directly on our SAP-system can be solved. Each participant is assigned a supervisor.
E-3: What effort do you have to put into it?
Wolf: Well, the training materials are available. The supervision effort for checking the solutions of the participants and the personal feedback are thus manageable.
E-3: What risks do you see for your Company in this program?
Wolf: There is already a certain risk that someone could use the Training "and then applies somewhere else. However, we have the opportunity to convey exactly the content that is important to us. We learn already during the Training get to know the participants' independent working methods in detail. Once a participant has qualified for customer assignments, he or she receives an attractive job offer from us.