Finding the right twist with DSAG

On February 11 and 12, 2020, DSAG expects more than 2000 participants at the Congress Center Rosengarten in Mannheim. The goal of the event: to provide SAP users with optimal support in solving the digitization task.
"Our companies are under enormous pressure to compete and change. But digitization has many sides. Like a Rubik's Cube, it's all about turning the right piece at the right time.
explains DSAG technology board member Steffen Pietsch the motto of the Technology Days.
From DSAG's perspective, there are several stones that SAP should position correctly so that companies can master their digitization task. In addition to seamless technical and semantic integration, this also includes SAP improving the duality of cloud and on-premises, creating investment security and delivering realistic migration strategies.
The SAP portfolio has grown strongly through acquisitions. On the one hand, products overlap functionally, on the other hand, some cloud products do not yet have the maturity level of the previously used on-premises solutions. DSAG is therefore calling for robust roadmaps that offer clarity and investment security for user companies and partners.