More business opportunities through DevOps

On-demand delivery of products/services by enterprises requires faster creation and deployment of applications for different business units by dramatically increasing developer productivity.
This opens up new business areas and revenue opportunities for companies and transforms internal IT from a "cost factor" to an engine of innovation, an internal cloud provider.
Shadow IT security risk
It may not be possible to implement all prioritized projects in the expected timeframe, resulting in the risk of lost sales and unachieved profits.
If IT is unable to support the digital requirements from the operational business units in such a way that they can respond quickly to market opportunities, this can result in users bypassing corporate IT and turning to unregulated public clouds, so-called shadow IT. This increases the security risk and diminishes the importance of internal IT.
If changes in the industry or market are not implemented quickly enough, the risk of being displaced by innovative competitors increases.
VMware's Cloud Management Platform (CMP) is a large enterprise-ready solution that offers the industry's most comprehensive feature set for integrating on-premises IT with the cloud and development systems.
The solution includes lifecycle management automation for all infrastructure and application resources within a multi-cloud with automated infrastructure costing, application usage measurement, service pricing, investment planning and usage reporting, and provides management analytics for system health, performance and capacity management across all infrastructure and application areas of a multi-cloud.
The CMP extends the automation value proposition to the development cycle by providing additional continuous delivery capabilities.
It automates the entire software release process and provides end-to-end visibility into the entire release process for all development and operations teams, helping organizations address business challenges.
New freedom of choice
It ensures that IT is no longer an obstacle to the business implementation process. It enables business departments to capture more revenue opportunities, deliver priority projects immediately, and deliver products/services on demand.
IT can offer business units freedom of choice and a fast experience comparable to the public cloud. As a result, it helps business units build and deploy applications faster while minimizing risks (for example, security risks).
It provides automation functions that enable the company to respond more quickly to changes in the market or in the industry. In this way, it enables the company to maintain its positioning vis-Ă -vis competitors.