New life in the SAP system

Condition monitoring systems can already provide evaluations for machines in order to assess the performance of elementary systems continuously and fully automatically.
This helps to prevent unplanned downtime. This benefit can be significantly increased by incorporating the information obtained into business processes.
This is where GIB Shop Floor Integration - SFI comes in: The fully integrated and certified SAP add-on enables near-real-time exchange between the sensor and ERP system. It processes events and process-relevant information from the connected source systems, triggers and controls meaningful follow-up activities and processes.
When evaluating the sensor data, for example, the software recognizes subtle differences caused by incipient wear and can consequently trigger a maintenance message in the ERP system, ensure the timely availability of spare parts and inform all responsible persons.
SFI therefore helps to optimize the entire internal supply chain and to document and extend the life cycle of machines. In this way, wear-oriented maintenance planning can be established and the benefits of the IoT can already be used today.