Save operating costs with SAP landscape

Thanks to the modern compression technology of the universal database IBM DB2, CPUs and main memory are used much more efficiently. This results in a reduction in the resources required and an improvement in the response times of SAP applications.
Many SAP customers have already accepted this offer and have switched their SAP database to DB2. This means that they will continue to benefit from IBM's cooperation with software providers in the future.
Like the German automotive supplier Fritz Winter Eisengießerei. With a complete conversion of the production systems to DB2 within 24 hours, a reduction in database software license fees of more than 50 percent was achieved.
DB2 can also be used to leverage the storage costs of database systems. Numerous customers have achieved a 60 to 90 percent reduction in the size of SAP databases by using DB2.
This frees up valuable capacity in storage subsystems. Database backups are faster and system availability is further increased. Another important aspect is the integration of the DB2 HADR high availability solution, which enables an improvement in system availability without high additional costs.
Faster without a release upgrade
Many customers want to improve the response time of their existing BW system without having to carry out an additional release change and without being forced to change existing processes.
DB2 can be the solution here. On existing hardware, DB2 Blu accelerates queries in the SAP BW environment and reduces BW database sizes.