Special track: Digital Education Summit

DSAG members repeatedly report how difficult it already is to get young people interested in technology-oriented professions in IT. DSAG would like to counteract this development - among other things by providing information about working in the technology environment.
Through suggestions, ideas and concepts on how to get young people excited about technology. This slot is the first step in this direction. And the highlight at the end of the day is an expert talk entitled "SAP - a question of age? R/2+ generation meets Hana users" on the program:
Graduated in computer science, and then? Nothing to do with SAP!" - many young IT enthusiasts seem to think. SAP or the SAP IT departments of large and medium-sized companies are not on their radar as attractive employers.
As a result, there is a lack of interested young talent in the SAP technology environment. DSAG members are therefore currently facing the challenge of having to recruit young talent, particularly for IT and traditional basic work such as SAP database operation.
But why is that the case? And how can work in the SAP environment be made more attractive?
Karin Gräslund, Professor of Business and Financial Informatics at the Wiesbaden Business School of the Rhein-Main University of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden & Rüsselsheim, Alexander Merz, SAP Basis/Solution Manager Consultant at Alfred Kärcher, Tabea Steiner, Functional Head SAP Functional Components at Dekra, and Gottfried Weibler, CIO of the Voss Group, discuss this question in the expert talk.