The road to the digital age

In the USA, it has been realized that there is one reason for cloud computing that outweighs all other advantages: digitization. Yet it should be the companies in Central Europe that are at the forefront of this hype.
This is because Germany, Austria and Switzerland have traditionally been dominated by highly integrated, vertical value chains in the form of industrial clusters with a close relationship to the retail sector.
The more and the more end-to-end these cross-company value chains are digitized, the more companies will rely on cloud infrastructures.
Only with the cloud will the promise of digital value chains come true: the direct connection to the end customer.
Secure and legally compliant
Information management and analysis based on secure and legally compliant cloud environments - private and hybrid - is OpenText's offering for the digitalization strategy.
Because information in all possible formats and the analysis of its meaning and relevance form the core of digitized value chains. Cloud computing and analytics are the prerequisites for transforming existing business models into digital ones.
At the OpenText Innovation Tour, companies will learn how they can leverage this offering for their success in the digital world.