Data quality & management increasingly important
As in the previous year, data quality/master data management was rated as the most important factor by the Company than the Trends with the greatest relevance for their daily work.
The study participants rated the following as least important Cloud BI, Data Labs and Data Science as well as Hadoop (see figure). In doing so, all considered BI–Trends at a similar level as in the previous year's survey.
The most significant change is in the area of Data integration (for specialist users), which has risen from 12th to 8th place in the international ranking (5.9; 2015: 5.5).
As was to be expected, best-in-classCompany a generally greater interest in BI–Trends than the so-called latecomersCompanywhich tend to focus on the familiar Trends set.
The biggest difference can be seen in the topics of agile BI-development, Data Labs and Data Science and Visual Design standards. The pioneers among the user companies consider these to be significantly more important than the laggards.
Cloud BImore relevant for providers
The ratings of Usersconsultants and software manufacturers are largely the same.
Only for the topics Cloud BI, Agile BI and Hadoop These are rated as significantly more important by suppliers than by customers. Users. In particular Cloud BI: Providers give 5.9 out of 10 points (previous year: 4.9), User rated the topic at 3.7 points in both surveys.
In contrast, they consider master data and data quality management as well as analytical databases to be more relevant.
The IT industry, the Service sector and the public Sector write BI–Trends higher importance than others Industries.
Despite ongoing discussions about big data analytics, digitalization and Industry 4.0, the manufacturing industry is once again proving to be very cautious when it comes to BI–Trends.
The telecommunications industry also rates the importance of Trend topics - with the exception of Agile BI and Hadoop - low. This shows how strongly the topic BI this highly competitive Branch has already penetrated.
Overall, the study participants from Asia, North and South America rated the BI–Trends as more important than respondents from Europe.
As in the previous year, it is primarily the Company the DACH region in the evaluation. Only in the Visual Design standards, they give it the highest score of all regions at 5.0.
In a global comparison Data integration (for business users), Data Storytelling, Agile BI and Cloud BI those Trendswhose ratings diverge the most.