Logistics 4.0 with smart displays

They play a key role in day-to-day logistics management: the operational key performance indicators (KPIs) for the company's own TUL processes.
Whether status displays for loading and unloading processes, goods location information, capacity requirements, scheduling requirements and warnings - no logistics department can do without continuous communication of its own operational key figures to its own employees and to external companies.
With a digital display, prominently placed and populated with real-time operational information, logistics staff always know what operational goals are to be achieved, what the hourly or daily status is in the logistics department, and what current tasks are in front of them for processing.
Uniformly visible on the wall for all employees. With Peakboard, any data from machines, plants and sensors as well as upstream systems such as ERP, MES and PP can be shown on displays.
With Peakboard, digital andon boards can be visualized and freely configured to display production progress, order status, plant utilization and merchandise management as well as machine statuses.